Mr. Carlos HUI


Tel.: (852) 2972 7306
Fax.: (852) 2972 7324
By Appointment: Monday to Friday, Office Hour

Academic Qualifications

Bachelor of (Planning and Design) & (Architecture), The University of Melbourne
CE-MIC 3d Modeling & Animation, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Graduated at the University of Melbourne, Australia in Architecture.  Enthusiastic in 3D design. Since 2011, he is the Design Director of CG Initial Studio Ltd, leading a team of 3D artists in creating 3D visualizations, animations and visual effects for over 10 years.

Now as a Director for filming, screenwriting, editing and visual effects for MV, theme park attraction, feature films in Hong Kong and Mainland China.

Proficient in the latest 3D program, include Unreal Engine5, Blender, 3dsmax, AuotCAD, Vray Render, Corona Render, Aftereffect, Photoshop, Premiere and 3D printing skill.